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The Law Office of J. Caldwell Guilds III is an anti-litigation law firm.  Our aim is to keep you out of costly and emotionally draining litigation.  We provide tailored legal services (1) to help prevent future disputes through well drafted contracts and agreements and (2) to resolve current disputes through negotiation or mediation. You will always receive practical results-oriented advice and representation that helps you get the best outcome for your legal situation. If you need an attorney to negotiate and draft a contract or to help settle a dispute with your long-term interests in mindSchedule a Complementary Consultation today and get the advice and representation you need. 

Contact the Law Office of J. Caldwell Guilds III Today

Getting the legal representation you need is right at your fingertips.  Schedule a Complementary Consultation today.

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The Law Office of J. Caldwell Guilds III

Protecting Your Rights. Fortifying Your Wealth. Advancing Your Cause.

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